
Things I've been watching on TV and on-line, good and bad (Pt 1)

I am lucky to have Netflix, Now TV and Amazon, as well as the many channels on free view. So I have been spending some time recently watching some films (some old and some newish, that I didn't get to see in the cinema) and TV series on them, I have also been trawling the endless weird world of YouTube watching films (both feature and shorts) and TV programmes and pilots. So the next few blog entries are my opinions of some of the good, bad and odd things I've watched recently.

So let's start with a blog entry about the many different offerings from Marvel and DC, and firstly look at some films.

Firstly DC. I have long been of the opinion that whilst Marvel always had the best heroes (with the exception of The Flash), DC always had the best villains. It was with this in mind that I was looking forward to watching Suicide Squad. I have to say I was somewhat disappointed. They seemed to build the whole film around the character Deadshot played by Will Smith, but the best and most captivating character in the film was Harley Quinn, played brilliantly by Margot Robbie. In my opinion she stole the show completely but wasn't the focus of the film which didn't make sense to me. On the whole it was an ok film but nowhere near as good as it could have been. The same could, unfortunately, not be said of Batman Vs Superman. I know it is purely my opinion but to be honest I found the entire film dull and even the action scenes were lacking something. The major fight at the end showed exactly what it was that was missing, Wonder Woman. She was the best thing about the whole film. There really isn't anything more or better I can say about this movie, except that Ben Afflick was better in DareDevil (now there's something I never thought I'd say). Not seen the Wonder Woman film yet but looking forward to it.

Now on to Marvel. I have managed to catch up on the X-Men movies and have now seen all of them to date, all I really have to say is that they were all up to the standard that you would expect from that series, no major surprises or disappointments. Just Logan left to see as far as those are concerned. I was massively entertained by Ant Man, a good and fairly typical Marvel romp as was Captain America: Civil War, another entertaining film in the well tried and tested style that we've come to expect. Something a little different was Deadpool, an irreverent spin on the superhero movie and definitely not a kids/family movie, I loved it. It was funny and action packed, well made and with some unexpected bits, they are making a sequel but I'm not convinced that the joke won't wear a bit thin unless they find something special to add to it.

Moving on to TV series and looking at DC again, I have been pleasantly surprised by what I've watched. I have to admit that I wasn't overly impressed with and I really couldn't get into The Arrow at all, so I was interested to see what they would do with my favourite DC superhero, The Flash. I watched the pilot and was hooked straight away, I loved it so much I watched both seasons in the space of two weeks (watching in the early hours of the morning after everyone else had gone to bed) and I am looking forward to season 3. Then I decided to try Legends Of The Future and, again, I was hooked immediately and watched the first season in a week and am also looking forward to the second season. I have considered watching Super Girl but am not sure because I have never been a huge fan of the whole Super family and it's pet, but we shall see.

And so on to Marvel TV series. I wasn't impressed at all with the Dare Devil series, I found it a bit dull and, amazingly not as good as the film. So I bravely started watching Iron Fist, I really enjoyed it. I watched it episode after episode for about three quarters of the first season, then just started to loose interest. It became a bit dull and each episode just felt like the last and I just stopped watching, to be honest I haven't missed it. It has put me off watching any of the other series.

On the whole, as far as the whole superhero thing is concerned, I would say Marvel have the film side won hands down, while DC make better TV series.

Next time a look at other types of films that I've been watching. If you have a comment on anything I've said here please leave a comment on here.

Thanks, see you soon.

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