
Changes And Books

Right well, it's been a little while since I've posted anything on any of my blogs. I have made an executive decision to change the way I have been going with my blogs, or more specifically this blog. I am not going to be putting up any more lists (although that may not always be true) as I, if not anybody else, was getting bored of them. From now on it will be a bit more current as to what I have watched, read or heard recently and maybe some stuff about up coming things that I am looking forward to. So here we go with the new direction.

Firstly film. I have to say that the Resident Evil film series is one of my real guilty pleasures, I know all the things that are wrong with them but I don't care I just love them and I am SO looking forward to the final film which is due out next year. I can't say exactly what it is about the films that I like vue but I can't get enough of watching them.

Ok on to books. I haven't read a lot for quite a while. I don't know why and I have tried a few times to get as back into reading as I used to be but nothing has really worked. I visited our local library two weeks ago with my son and decided to get a book out and definitely read it all. I thought maybe I'd start with a book of short stories but two books caught my eye and, for some reason, I decided to take them both out. Neither of them are long, in fact they really are more novellas than novels, but that was one reason I chose them.
The first one is called "Monsieur Linh and His Child" by Phillippe Claudel. It is an excellently written story which shows the struggle of being a refugee forced to live in a new country after fleeing war, and also how war effects people on both sides. It is very easy to read but thought provoking as well. Definitely worth reading and I fully recommend it.
The second one is called "The Tiny Wife" by Andrew Kaufman. This is a brilliant piece of surrealist philosophy that is marvellously well written and both easy and entertaining to read. It is a comment on the human condition and what things are really most important in life. It made me laugh, feel confused and think about life, all within a piece of short fiction. I definitely recommend this.

Well that's all for this post. Hope you liked it and please do check out the books, it would be nice to know what you think.


  1. I seem to be reading fewer books now that I need glasses, which is odd. It's not like putting them on is hard.

    1. I just haven't been focused enough or had enough attention span to read for quite a while now. Still think I might stick with novellas and short stories for a while but I am gradually getting back into it. I also enjoyed reading things that were outside of my usual 'genre'.

  2. I nigh have s look at Monsieur Linh and his child and The Tiny Wife. They both sound interesting. X

    1. I was really suprised by both of them, they are worth reading.
